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Sunday, February 23, 2025


Being part of the ICACIT System is synonymous with commitment to quality and continuous improvement. The institutions that are members of the ICACIT System and their programs stand out for the work they do to ensure that their graduates are ready to practice the profession upon completion of their studies.

The development and implementation of the processes to demonstrate the achievement of competencies of the graduates and the continuous improvement system; as well as the development of the Self-Study Report may take longer than expected. For this reason, a series of benefits have been designed for members of the ICACIT System who seek to reduce this time and increase the confidence of the program when requesting the evaluation visit for accreditation purposes.


[Member entities of our ICACIT System]


Join now

ICACIT welcomes the applications for Entry to the ICACIT System from higher education institutions with computer programs, engineering and engineering technology.


[Process for entering the ICACIT System]


System Benefits

Members of the ICACIT System enjoy the following benefits:

Discounts on Events.
Training of Evaluators - Non-Engineers.
International Observers Program.
Advertising in the Media.
Use of the ICACIT Logo.