Seleccionar Idioma Bandera Espana Bandera USA
Sunday, March 30, 2025



Be a Higher Education Institution with government recognition to grant academic or professional degrees.
In the case of Universities, they must have an institutional license granted by the National Superintendency of Higher University Education (SUNEDU).
In the case of Institutes, they must have the current operating authorization issued by MINEDU as established by Law No. 23384, General Education Law, and Legislative Decree No. 882, Law for the Promotion of Investment in Education .

Procedure to enter the System.

1. Download and complete the application form to enter the ICACIT Accreditation System.

2. Send the application form in digital format: Via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with copy to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., who will confirm receipt of the document.

3. The ICACIT Board of Directors at its next meeting will review the application.

4. The response to the request will be given by means of a letter and sent via email, addressed to the Rector of the requesting Institution.

4.1 If accepted, the institution will be asked for the source file of its official logo for the promotion in the different communication media that ICACIT has and the issuance of the invoice corresponding to the membership of the current year will be coordinated.
4.2 If not accepted, the reason will be indicated.


  Important Documents to Read Document
Application form to enter the system alt
ICACIT Accreditation System Document alt
System withdrawal request form alt
ICACIT Accreditation Policies and Procedures Manual (2021) alt
ICACIT Assessment Costs Booklet (2021)

