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Sunday, March 30, 2025

ICACIT Evaluators Training Program 2021 (Virtual)

 2019 Evaluadores Reunion

ICACIT evaluators are outstanding professionals with extensive professional experience, and who are voluntarily responsible for administering the accreditation processes, conducting evaluations and determining accreditation actions based on the ICACIT accreditation policies, procedures and criteria, performing a important role in promoting the continuous improvement of higher educational quality and being protagonists of the improvement of their profession.

To be part of the ICACIT International Assessors Staff, it is necessary to successfully complete the ICACIT Assessors Training Program. The Program consists of 6 stages:

1. Application to the program.
2. Accreditation Model.
3. Self-study report.
4. Pre Visit.
5. Evaluation Visit.
6. Certification.

It is necessary to have the following requirements to apply for the program:

a. Professional title in the areas of Engineering, Computing, Architecture or Sciences (Physics, Mathematics or Sciences).
b. Postgraduate Studies (Diploma, Master, Doctorate).
c. Minimum professional experience of 10 years in your field of profession.
d. Have an impeccable conduct and ethical values.

Starts now:
To start your application to the ICACIT Evaluator Training Program, please follow the following steps:

1. Download and complete the “ICACIT Evaluator Profile” Form

Descargar Perfil
2. Send the registered format to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. You will receive an email where you will be notified if you meet the required profile and access to the Training Program will be provided.

Important dates:

ID Stage Dates Filters
01 Application to the program. Ends: April 15 Comply with the requirements of the ICACIT Evaluator Profile.
02 Accreditation Model. Starts: May 03 Pass with a grade equal to or greater than 14
03 Self-study report. Starts: June 03 Pass with a grade equal to or greater than 14
04 Pre Visit. Starts: July 05 Pass with a grade equal to or greater than 14
05 Evaluation Visit. Dates: August 27 and 28 Pass with a grade equal to or greater than 14
06 Certification Starts: September 15  

Do you have any doubts?

Write to us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.