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Friday, March 7, 2025

The Beginnings of ICACIT
ICACIT was born from an IEEE initiative in 2001 led by José Valdez Calle and under the mentorship of John Thomas Cain, former president of the IEEE and former director of ABET. At that time, there was still no other quality assurance system for higher education in Peru.

After the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ABET, the first stage of this initiative began, which consisted of a pilot project which sought to train and achieve the accreditation of engineering and engineering technology programs in Peru with ABET. During this pilot program that spanned from 2003 to 2006, volunteers from ABET and IEEE were invited to train those who would be members of the accreditation committees of the country's universities; In addition, ICACIT volunteers traveled as observers in accreditation visits carried out by ABET in the United States.

Emergence of the ICACIT Accreditation System

Given the success in the implementation of the ABET criteria to guarantee the quality of computer programs, engineering and engineering technology in higher education institutions in Peru; Starting in 2007, ICACIT established its own accreditation committees made up of outstanding engineers and professionals and adopted the ABET accreditation criteria, policies and procedures as its own, in accordance with what was signed in the MoU in 2003.

That same year (2007) it was decided to consolidate the organization by involving CONFIEP, the Peruvian College of Engineers, the Peruvian Academy of Engineering, the Peruvian Association of Software Developers and the Peruvian Section of the IEEE as members of the ICACIT Assembly, committing them to the vision of ICACIT, as well as in promoting the ICACIT accreditation system, provide volunteers for the accreditation processes and suggest recommendations on improving accreditation criteria and policies.

In addition to the MoU signed between ICACIT and ABET, an addendum was signed in 2007 in which ABET assists ICACIT to achieve the status of member of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) agreements. This addendum includes that ABET will provide a Shadow Evaluator who will guide the ICACIT evaluation team for a correct interpretation of the criteria.

The first accreditation visit was carried out in August 2007 for the 2007-08 accreditation cycle for the Software Engineering and Electronic Engineering programs of the Peruvian University of Sciences (UPC).

National and International recognition

In recent years, with the entry of ICACIT to the Washington Accord (2014) and the Sydney Accord (2016), ICACIT has modified its criteria and procedures to align with what is defined in the Graduate Attributes and Best Practices of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA).
Similarly, in 2016, ICACIT included a new research criterion within the engineering criteria in order to respond to what is required by the new university law, which in turn allowed the recognition of ICACIT accreditations by the National System Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of Educational Quality (SINEACE).


Today ICACIT has:
- 43 programs with current accreditation from 14 educational institutions.
- 13 programs re-accredited
- 27 higher education institutions in the ICACIT System.
- More than 70 program evaluators